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楼主: vbvs


发表于 2005 年 3 月 26 日 22:15:21 | 显示全部楼层
狡猾的vbvs  说下班送空间 就这个送法啊?
; _( f$ M1 _( u4 C% n: `: s- k0 v1 M# e5 v2 C5 l! H/ p7 M) b6 M
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

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 楼主| 发表于 2005 年 3 月 26 日 22:19:59 | 显示全部楼层
【腾讯云】2核2G云服务器新老同享 99元/年,续费同价
下面是引用2912268于2005-03-26 22:15发表的:, c: q/ f; j+ h! C; o( c( P
狡猾的vbvs  说下班送空间 就这个送法啊?
/ o) j9 |4 I! f2 t* ~1 T5 V& K& P1 k! H- T9 X; e
  Z* K( ?. y4 c# E% @' m; m# f哈哈
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005 年 3 月 27 日 01:30:52 | 显示全部楼层
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

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 楼主| 发表于 2005 年 3 月 26 日 21:23:44 | 显示全部楼层


[sell=20]  Username:       vbvszo00
2 m! ]/ @. u& j( H) e0 Z1 pPassword:       jgfree123
  v7 `( _' G- t) o- H! ]Domain:              vbvs.zohost.com/ r4 X) `, f2 a* A0 u0 S
- [# f5 d/ K) e4 y( ^
To log in immediately, follow this link, using your username and password:
% V: S! D' Z* @9 D: ?7 I4 b- |7 _1 Z }* ]  w- I' a7 k/ f

7 }2 {7 q9 b4 o/ bOnce your domain resolves, you will be able to follow this link:
; a5 q0 v. |% W7 ]7 ~# \" a9 o+ ~6 C# @! E
http://www.vbvs.zohost.com:2222, u# u" m6 V2 u8 {" D0 W& b0 ]

  O1 j5 o/ {" R% U) [2 aBandwidth:       2500 Megabytes5 a! _/ I( ~+ c# p8 H! U
Disk Space:       250 Megabytes
  r. @) P. r# K) D7 a  T. B- V0 C
9 |0 g( F; Y/ _; f8 OVirtual Domains:       2
& J0 j1 O) Z# M8 s* JSubdomains:       5
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6 j( p( G+ P9 T/ N2 z+ D$ _2 Z5 q( _POP Email Accounts:       5
& n: J0 ^0 x/ M8 L" kEmail Forwarders:       5
  |4 s( A5 v- c# t( lEmail Autoresponders:       5
; M$ I# P/ o( h' O! }Email Mailing Lists:       1
' I& x/ y+ v% P7 WPOP Server:       mail.vbvs.zohost.com' ~/ Z: `3 V: H  E: ?( T/ `
SMTP Server:       mail.vbvs.zohost.com" ^$ @" ?8 v; Z  o3 N0 l/ I
Login:       vbvszo00
6 R( J" g$ ~: JPassword:       8114568123
7 i% K$ `0 s4 }  f9 p! Y$ Q) R: N" m
FTP accounts:       1$ E$ ?! C( e3 L2 ^: D, S
Anonymous FTP:       OFF8 V) `' Z7 C5 e) e1 `4 w/ h
FTP Server:       ftp.vbvs.zohost.com1 E8 Z( ~- s9 \
Login:       vbvszo003 c7 `9 a2 s. X! ~( F  B- s, n
Password:       8114568123
( U" R3 G$ v+ ^5 l$ `% Z6 F
; f2 U) Z/ U  r1 P* E9 BIP: @( v2 b" |# [1 \  }+ y
Use to access it until the domain resolves.
- a- B8 k7 q  B3 v
2 @1 Z* i0 I- r2 S$ B3 lYou must use these dns servers for your domain. They can be changed through your domain registrar.
  l8 W0 t* Z" J& z9 J& ~0 p8 O. _' U1 K
NS1:       ns1.zohost.com, z! j& Q# I9 z3 T: z0 w6 e
NS1 IP:       unknown
1 _3 `$ S. x3 {/ e! @! v7 L& A8 I! SNS2:       ns2.zohost.com
0 E4 _, u. k+ c1 jNS2 IP:
) P3 O3 O, h) P4 r6 {8 s" K2 s; P8 j7 p! Q
MySQL Databases:       5
) E6 w7 h& h( L. Q; EDomain Pointers:       5
  E7 m; n& x/ A) u/ z/ GSSH Access:       OFF/ G* p" {$ m  h
Secure Socket Layer:       ON
; {2 H) L$ O9 d5 P5 D! m- L1 H5 xCGI:       ON
4 T: M! Z1 R5 b0 w4 ]PHP:       ON
  Q# `0 J$ ?; k& L" ~9 P8 ]DNS control:       ON[/sell]
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